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Friends, over the next 20 years, mankind will create more new products, technologies and services than have been created over the entire history of civilization up until today. We are on the edge of exponential development in innovative technologies and solutions. Practically all of them, in order to successfully enter the marketplace,  must be business products and start-up companies.


However, based on the current start-up paradigm and innovation management structure adopted in the world today, the chance of success chances, even for those who were able to attract investments, are only 10%. And the percentage of start-ups which managed to attract investment is only about 5%. The real probability  of success in an innovative startup is 0.05% (!!!!), less than one percent!!!! And the amount of energy, resources and investments spent in vain is immensely large!!!


Startup Mastery is a revolutionary new approach to managing the innovation process, which can significantly increase the chance for your start-up to be succeeded. New approaches, such as PRE-START MARKETING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, MINIMUM SALABLE PRODUCT (MSP) and INVESTMENT FREE STARTUP, can radically change and improve the modern startup paradigm of start-up projects and innovation management.


In this book you have a unique opportunity to get all the necessary tools, knowledge and skills in order to achieve success! Good luck to all of us in the innovation world!


Yours sincerely,

Igor Peer

Book "STARTUP MASTERY" with Igor Peer

  • Book published in digital format.

©2019 Igor Peer, all rights reserved.

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